Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Where online takes us to

We all know that online is becoming a mass media within itself. We can pretty much reach just about any group online as much as you could offline. Of course location, internet usage penetration will play a role, but the threat of internet becoming a replacement for television is still quite far off. Or is it? Sometimes we think the last and this often occurs when we realise that people won't go from passive to active and then back to passive in the space of 10 minutes. It just doesn't happen. Laptop on your lap as you watch PopStars; yes this does occur, but strangely enough both media are watched/used at the same time – a strange phenomenon, but vastly different from literally removing yourself from the sofa to clamber up the stairs to the PC (or Mac).

Are we all becoming mass multi-taskers?

Evidently there is no real threat to either media taking each other’s role in the world of communications. You have to see it like this: television is for watchers and observers receiving their dose of 'push', whilst internet is for the users and seekers going after their dose of 'pull' TV and internet can strengthen the other if used together, really, but still too few companies (and then I'm talking about the ones with slightly bigger marketing budgets) utilise both effectively.

Ok, so online isn't entirely mass (perhaps we are getting ahead of ourselves)but it's mass media to the niches, so it really does reach the people it's aimed at, a haven for premium brand companies!!

Thank the heavens for the powers of internet, online, digital and cross-media and especially the freedom it gives for all to use, and gain from it. Don't you just love it? And how could we ever live without it?

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