Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Very Hot Games

The Whoozz campaign continue with this video:

And, as always, the translation:

Blond Lady: We really didn‘t know what more we could do. That‘s why we right as well sit in the hot tub. Chill out a bit..

Dark Lady: Yes, I hope you don‘t mind. We are extremely bored.

Man: How is that possible?

Blond Lady: Tsjah, we don‘t know anything fun to do..

Man: Shouldn‘t you study for a test?

Dark Lady: No, I am compleetheid done. Don’t you know something fun?

Man: Och, I know many cool games

Dark Lady: Oohw… tell me..

Blond Lady: Yes, come on. You are making us curious! What do you know that we don‘t.

Dark Lady: Do you have secrets for us?

Man: No of course not!

Blond Lady: Well, let‘s start soon then! Entertain us!

Dark Lady: Jeah..

Man: Come along!


Dark Lady: So tell me, what kind of games do you have?

Man: Well, I have some here, but it is better to go to Whoozz.com!

Dark Lady: Whoozz.com? Now you mention it. I heard about that. Isn‘t that the website where you can find pascal antyhing? Great tips about random things, use ful articles for studying and who knows wat more?!

Blond Lady: Yess! I heard about that too..

Dark Lady: Yeah....?

Blond Lady: Apparently they have more than 1000 flash games and you can also download games yourself!

Man: That sounds awesome!

Dark Lady: And it is a lot more fun than a dull boardgame….

Blond Lady: Oh, ok.. I spontaneously feel puckish

Man: That looks good!

Dark Lady: But let’s party first!

Blond Lady: Another great idea!

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